Our sample plans are designed to give you an idea of the level of detail you need to include in your learning plan.
Your learning plan will be individual to your child, so you should not replicate what is shown in these samples– your plan should reflect your child. Guidance on how to create a personalised Learning Plan is available here.
If you don’t see a learning plan sample that matches your family, don’t worry! The point of these samples is to show how much detail is required, not what you ‘should’ be doing. A good starting point is to simply make a list of what your child enjoys doing, or what you may already be doing as a family, including hobbies and interests.
When devising the sample learning plans below, a range of learning methods and circumstances were taken into consideration, reflecting why many people choose home education. Please be assured that if your child is experiencing challenges that make you concerned that you will not be approved for home education, it will be okay. Similarly, there is no problem with using a learning approach that does not resemble school.
HEN can advise you, so feel free to get in touch and a volunteer will help you. It’s quite common for HEN volunteers to have a conversation with a parent who is concerned or confused about applying for home ed, only to have the parent end the conversation with ‘I feel so much better now!’ or ‘it’s not as difficult as I thought!’
You can download the VRQA’s learning plan templates by clicking on the following links:
Subject based template in Word format or PDF
Activity based template in Word format or PDF
The following sample learning plans have been developed by the Victorian Home Education Advisory Committee (VHEAC), and are acceptable to the VRQA.
- Jane, aged six – subject-based (Jane docx or Jane PDF)
- Marie, aged seven- activity-based (Montessori) (Marie docx or Marie PDF)
- Josh, aged eight – subject-based (exemption for languages) (Josh docx or Josh PDF)
- Aaron, aged 10 – subject-based (natural learning, Dyslexia) (Aaron docx or Aaron PDF)
- Rose, aged 10 – subject-based (Anxiety) (Rose docx or Rose PDF)
- Geoff, aged 12 – subject-based (poor mental health requiring multiple exemptions) (Geoff docx or Geoff PDF)
- Caleb, aged 13 – activity-based (Asperger’s) (Caleb docx or Caleb PDF)
- Sky, aged 14 – activity-based (Unschooling) (Sky docx or Sky PDF)
- Jessica, aged 15 – activity-based (exemption based on electives) (Jessica docx or Jessica PDF)
- Florance, aged 16 – subject-based (Florance docx or Florance PDF)