Work Experience

Home ed kids can undertake work experience. They may also have the advantage of not being restricted to one or two weeks in year 10, which is what most schools do. Instead, home ed kids can make arrangements for work experience at any time if there is an employer happy to take them on, and they can have more than one work experience placement, though there may be limits on how many work experience days you can undertake in a year or when the work experience can take place.

HEN’s insurance covers work experience for our members. To enquire, read the state-specific information below and email and let us know which state/territory you are in. The requirements for work experience vary according to state and territory.



  • You approach an employer and set it up with them.
  • The Dept of Education and Training’s work experience page contains information and a form which you can use if not using HEN’s insurance.
  • HEN members must use the HEN work experience form (available by email)
  • There is a Safe@Work module to be completed by students before undertaking work experience.
  • Minimum age: 14.
  • For students aged under 15, it is necessary for the employer to have a ‘child employment permit‘ and for anyone working directly with the child to have ‘working with children’ permit.
  • You can do work experience for up to 10 days a term (15 with discretion) and no more than 40 days per year in total.
  • There are specific requirements for dealing with dangers and hazards in various industries (e.g. automotive or working with animals).
  • Ensure you check the Hazard sheets for your industry. 

Insurance (Victoria): 

  • Schools are required to have $10 million in public liability insurance in order for students to undertake work experience. The Education Department advises that it is not necessary for home educators to take out Work Experience Insurance because ‘home schools’ are not included in the definition of ‘schools’ in the Education Act.
  • If the student is paid a minimum of $5 per day, they are covered by WorkCover. WorkSafe is the Victorian statutory body which enforces Victoria’s Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) laws, and provides WorkCover insurance. Any queries on WorkCover should be directed there.
  • Students are also covered by the public liability insurance on the workplace.
  • The Public Liability insurance attached to some home and contents insurance policies includes cover for volunteer work in the community – check your policy.
  • Both paid and unpaid work experience for HEN Victorian students can be covered under our insurance policy. Email for details.
  • Please allow us a month to process the paperwork.


  • You approach an employer and set it up with them.
  • Your homeschool authorised person may be able to assist.
  • NESA has a list of work experience hazards by occupation (e.g. working with horses) which is worth exploring. You may also find the Victorian resources above useful.
  • Minimum age 14 years.
  • There are extra requirements for any industry with specific dangers/hazards (e.g. automotive, working with animals).
  • Ensure you check the hazard sheets for the type of work you wish to undertake e.g. working with horses
  • Work experience for students of 14 years of age may not be conducted outside the hours of 7.00am to 6.00pm, nor in school holidays.


  • HEN’s insurance can cover both paid and unpaid work experience for HEN NSW students.
  • Email to have the work experience form sent to you.
  • Please allow us a month to process the paperwork.

South Australia

  • You approach an employer and set it up with them (using our paperwork).
  • Minimum age 14 years.
  • SA Department of Education website Workplace Learning, Work Placement and Work Experiencedo not fill in paperwork you may find there, contact us for the HEN paperwork.
  • Work experience must be unpaid.


  • HEN’s insurance can cover unpaid work experience for HEN SA students.
  • Email to have the work experience form sent to you.
  • Please allow us a month to process the paperwork.


Unfortunately, HEN’s insurance cannot cover work experience for students in Queensland because the Education (Work Experience) Act 1996 specifies that a work experience arrangement for a home educated student must be approved by the chief executive of the department or their delegate.

However, work experience can be arranged and approved through the Home Education Unit as part of your home education registration.

You can find the Work Experience Placement Procedures here.

  • Minimum age is 14 years
  • There is a limit of 30 days per year.
  • The student must not be paid.
  • The work experience agreement form is here.

Contact the Home Education Unit for more information:
Phone: (07) 3513 6755
1800 677 176 (outside Brisbane)


Work experience is covered under the Government’s insurance policy, with the family to pay an excess of $1000 in the event of a claim. The Registrar’s Office will provide forms.

Contact details:
Phone: 6165 6135

Western Australia

The legal requirements around work experience insurance in WA make it impossible for HEN’s cover to apply. The following organisations have been used in the past by home educators in WA on a user-pays basis:

WorkSafe SmartMove

This is a Work Health and Safety (WHS) online educational program for senior high school students and students on work experience placements. SmartMove is also designed for young people who are entering casual or part-time work on their free time and those who work on seasonal jobs. Students can do an online course to gain a SmartMove Certificate in Workplace Safety that may be a valuable contribution to a resume, portfolio or finding work experience placements.


The Northern Territory Work Experience Policy and Guidelines are here.

The ACT Work Experience Guidelines are here.

  • Your homeschool inspector, moderator or authorised person may be able to assist.
  • You may also find preparation resources from other states (above) useful.
  • HEN’s insurance may cover work experience if your moderator can’t help. Please allow time for us to check the details.