Home education events and groups are organised by home ed parents. If there is something your child is interested in, and you think it would make a good activity or series of classes, HEN can advise you on what needs to be done.
HEN insurance
HEN also provides insurance cover for HEN members organising non-profit activities. To learn more about the requirements and process for being covered by our insurance, please see our insurance page.
HEN Event Guidelines
HEN has guidelines for organisers and attendees of camps and events. In participating in a HEN event, attendees acknowledge that they have read, understood and agree to abide by these guidelines.
Organising an event
Anyone can organise an event for others to join in, you don’t have to do it under HEN. If there is something you are interested in, find out what would be involved/needed and go ahead and organise it. You can get some ideas on this page, and read how HEN runs events here. All HEN events are organised by volunteers.
Running a group
We have put together some advice on how to go about organising groups, which can be found here. We have also put together a brainstorming checklist to help you plan your group.