These images below help give you some ideas on ways to cover the various Key Learning Areas via Activities.
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You can find some more ideas on ways to cover the various Key Learning Areas on a subject basis here.
The text below is for those that use text readers
Activity Based Learning – Cook Indian Meal
English – Research and read recipe, discuss unusual ingredients.
Maths – Budget and shop for ingredients, double recipe, weigh dry ingredients, measure wet ingredients, divide fairly, grind spices.
Humanities – Find India on a globe, discuss Indian migration to Australia. Bookmark documentary on elephants to watch later.
Science – Make paneer. Discuss colloidal particles, proteins, pH.
Arts – Style food, and photograph the recipe stages. Listen to Bhangra music whilst cooking. Doodle henna hand design.
ICTDT – Use search engine to find recipe and stockist for uncommon ingredients, use tools (knives, food processor, oven)
Languages – Meaning of ‘keema’,’palak paneer’ and ‘garam masala’ in Urdu/Hindi. Discuss difference between two languages, write ‘India’ in both scripts.
Health and PE – Discuss vegetarianism, use of spices to preserve food, medicinal qualities of turmeric and other herbs and spices. Dance to Bhangra music.
Activity Based Learning – Create a Vegetable Garden
English – Write identification labels, read books on veggie gardening. Start a gardening blog for kids.
Maths – Measure space for beds. Ensure even spacing of seeds. Measure height of sunflowers. Weigh and record produce grown. Explore links between maths and arrangement of leaves/petals.
Humanities – Learn about agricultural practices such as crop rotation. Calculate comparative cost of grown/purchased vegetables. Discuss water scarcity and salinity.
Science – Test soil for pH and adjust if necessary. Research beneficial insects, companion planting and pest management. Observing plant growth.
Arts – Create artwork to illustrate packets for saved seeds. Sketch plants.
ICTDT – Build vegetable bed, use gardening tools. Design shade or netting structure. Create a spreadsheet to record when seeds were planted.
Languages – Learn Latin names for plants.
Health and PE – Grow and eat nutrient rich foods. Discuss place vegetables have in the food pyramid.
Activity Based Learning – Make and Sell Wheatbags
English – Write list of materials. Create labels for market stall. Create instructions for safe use of heat bags. Correspond via email with market manager about stall hire.
Maths – Measure fabric pieces and angles. Compare cost per metre for different fabrics, make allowance for different widths.
Humanities – Create budget for materials. Calculate and adjust pricing based on costs and competitiveness. Map route to market.
Science – Research which fillings retain heat longest and the effect of adding herbs/scents.
Arts – Select toning fabrics, embellish with embroidery. Draw logo.
ICTDT – Use machine to sew items. Transfer logo to digital format, design flyers and business cards.
Health and PE – Research pain reduction when using heat bag. Ensure sewing work station is ergonomic to reduce strain. Create stretch regime.
Activity Based Learning – Redesign a Bedroom
English – Read magazines and blogs for inspiration.
Maths – Create scale plan of the room, measure existing furniture. Ensure shelf brackets are vertical and in line horizontally. Calculate are of floor for carpet order.
Science – Make chalk paint and milk paint.
Arts – Use colour theory to choose three harmonious paint colours. Use leftover paint to create geometric artwork for above bed.
ICTDT – Create an online mood board. Cut wood for new wall shelves, use drill to attach brackets. Use rollers and brushes to paint walls/woodwork
Languages – Follow a bunny trail and look up meaning of furniture names in Ikea catalogue.
Health and PE – Create a calm space to practice mindfulness and yoga. Sugar soaping walls and cleaning windows can be a workout! Research and select low VOC paint.
Activity Based Learning – Antarctica Unit Study
English – Read picture books about Antarctica. Write notes to create an A-Z of Antarctica. Write a fictional postcard from Antarctica.
Maths – Research the area of Antarctica. Activity sheet calculating supplies for Scott base. Graph the size of creatures which live in/around Antarctica.
Humanities – Create a timeline of exploration in Antarctica. Take a virtual field trip. Learn about glaciers, and model glacial movement.
Science – Watch documentary about climate change and the effect on ice shelves. Learn about different penguin breeds. Experiments to see how blubber keeps seals warm, and how whale baleen works.
Arts – Create an Aurora Australis artwork. Follow a tutorial to draw Antarctica. Make an ice sculpture.
ICTDT – Design tents to withstand Antarctic conditions, using 3D geometric shapes. Watch March of the Penguins, discuss cinematography.
Languages – Learn simple greetings in the languages of all countries with bases on Antarctica.
Health and PE – Read about how residents of bases ensure they remain healthy without fresh food. Have a ‘waddle like a penguin’ race.
Activity Based Learning – Birdwatching
English – Write a guide to local bird life. Keep a journal to record sightings.
Maths – Graph the size of different bird eggs. Measure wood to create a bird feeder to encourage more birds to your garden.
Humanities – Explore different environments and the birds which inhabit them. Use a map or globe to visualise migration paths. Use a map to plan a hike to an area with good birdwatching.
Science – Use a dichotomous key to identify an unknown bird. Play a game to demonstrate the function of different beak shapes.
Arts – Draw sightings in your journal. Paint a water colour of your favourite bird.
ICTDT – Sculpt a bird from driftwood or recycling items. Photograph local birds for your guide. Saw and screw wood to create a bird feeder. Design and build a bird hide.
Languages – Learn the local Indigenous names for birds and Latin classification.
Health and PE – Hike to an area with good birdwatching. Create birdsong relaxation recording.
Activity Based Learning – Travel
English – Hard copy and digital books – variety of fiction and non fiction; Audio books; Family blog – updated daily with news of travel; Playing verbal and written word games; Visit places of interest and read about them; Send a postcard to a friend.
Maths – Help plan route; Discuss fuel efficiency; Budget for food and travel; Play game in the car adding the numbers on licence plates; Measure distance travelled.
Humanities – Research the history of the area. Visit historical markers along the route. Discuss the history of exploration. Use a map and key.
Science – Identify plants and animals along the route; Cooking meals from local area visited.
Arts – Photographs of places visited; Sketching and painting things you see that are of interest; Playing and listening to music.
ICTDT – Use mapping programs to help plan route; Apps for language learning like Duolingo.
Languages – Learn language of area visiting; Speak to people from other countries that are also traveling.
Health and PE – Do a walking tour; Swim at the beach; Take time to relax
Activity Based Learning – Catching Public Transport
English – Reading and hearing signs, notices and announcements; asking for directions; observing and understanding symbols and rules
Maths – Plan travel time; calculate and compare fares; explore travel distance and speed; read timetables
Humanities – Study route maps; explore urban planning & connections; investigate landmarks; navigation; learn about the history of public transport, and how it shapes community and economy; consider accessibility for people with disabilities
Science – Learn about electric motors vs diesel engines, sustainability, effects of weather, and electricity grids
Arts – appreciating artistic graffiti; explore graphic design of symbols
Technologies – Use journey planning apps & online maps; topping up travel cards online; understanding automation
Languages – Hearing lots of different languages and observing cultural diversity
Health and PE – Walking; learn about time management; practice problem solving & frustration tolerance; learn social etiquette & safety awareness; observing and appreciating diversity in our community