Intrinsic to the design of the school system is the idea that optimal learning happens when students are quiet, still and focussed for long periods of time. Kids who fidget, talk and are easily distracted are labelled as ‘bad’ students. Fortunately home education does not need to look like school. Learning can happen on the trampoline, in bed, in five minute bursts, on Sunday nights, during a movie – whenever works for you and your child.

Many kids with ADHD require additional support and strategies. Therapies can be incorporated into the learning plan and parents can be on hand in situations where support is required without that stigmatising the child. Home ed groups and activities usually include parents, and it’s normal for parents to actively support their child’s needs or intervene as required. Consistency of approach is also more easily achieved when all adults involved are working together – which does not always happen when kids are at school.

Home education also allows parents to harness the positive personality traits that may be exhibited by a child with ADHD. Children often excel at physical or creative activities, and their inventive thinking can help them develop advanced problem solving skills. Those children who experience hyperfocus can also delve deeply into areas of interest and become very competent in those areas.

Home education allows children to grow at their own rate, in their own direction, and parents can simultaneously support their child to ensure they have opportunities to spread their wings, whilst also supporting any areas where extra input is required.

The following resources have been recommended by individual home educators: Building a toolbox of skills for those with ADHD A book with advice for children and adults who live with ADHD Quick, easy, and effective tips you can use right away to help support your child in different situations   Seth Perler (website and YouTube) has lots of advice to help with executive functioning