Bradshaw Street, Ballarat
Event Type
Sovereign Hill School offers a unique two day, fully immersive, costumed school experience tailored to Year 5 and 6 students (age range for our group is 9 to 13).
Students will role play being a child of the 1850s at school on the goldfields, abiding by the behavioural expectations of the era.
As part of this program, students are in the charge of ‘Ma’am’ or ‘Sir’ who is strict, all knowing and the embodiment of 1850’s Victorian authority.
Parents will be required to provide accommodation for and with their student outside of the allowed school times – many families stay at the local caravan park. And lunch will need to be provided for both days.
July 3rd & 4th
9am till 3.30pm both days
$105 for the two days
Talia Wilson – taliajwilson@hotmail.com
Sovereign Hill Museum, Bradshaw St, Golden Point VIC 3350
Please email taliajwilson@hotmail.com with childs name and age