Gameschooling provides a lot of benefits and skill building such as :
- family connection and fun
- interpersonal skills
- communication skills
- a fun way to learn about a topic
- academic skills
- experiential learning
It’s not all about board games. Games can also involve simple dice challenges, pattern matching, word games, car trip games, story telling games, card games, games you can make up and printables you can download from curriculum resource sites such as Teachers Pay Teachers.
Gameschooling provides a fun way to cover key learning areas. In fact, there are university professors who suggest some of the science themed games to their students in order to learn concepts. A classic game like Scrabble will help cover areas of English and maths while chess teaches logic and attention to detail. Humanities and science games are well covered, as are design and technology, and the arts. Cheaper games such as Guess Who? can be used for language study.
We tend to learn and retain information better when it is presented in an engaging and fun manner. Learning a new skill can be less stressful if presented in a game format, compared to trying to learn that skill in other ways.
HEN members have access to a video on Gameschooling in your home education. To view, log in and select ‘member talks’ from the Members Menu.
HEN articles on gameschooling can be accessed here. Otherways magazine has also featured a number of articles on gameschooling.