For information on how to register for home education in your state or territory, please see below.
Click on the images to watch a recorded video about the registration process.
Home educators are required to register with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA), the government regulator. For detailed information on applying for home education in Victoria, please see our overview on Victorian registration.
New South Wales
Home education is covered by the Education Act 1990 and registration is handled by the Board of Studies. The registration process requires a home visit and approval of documented lesson plans following the state curriculum. The whole process takes three months and registration, if approved, needs to be renewed annually by going through a similar process each time.
There is provision for those who conscientiously object to registration to apply for an exemption from registration but they need to demonstrate that registration would have been granted had they applied for it.
The full Act is available here. and we have extracted the most relevant sections here: NSW home education: legal excerpts.
For registration contact:
Home Schooling Unit
NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)
Phone: 02 9367 8149
PO Box 5300, Sydney, NSW 2001
NESA’s Homeschooling Registration page contains the application form and registration information, this can be found here
For advice on preparing for registration see the Facebook group Home Education NSW
An easy document for NESA outcomes for each stage can be found here.
Home education in Tasmania is covered under the Education Act 2016 and the Education Regulations 2017. A child who is at least 5 years of age as at 1st January in any year must be enrolled at school or provided with home education by a registered home educator for that year and subsequent years until the child is 17 or completes a Certificate III. Once a child completes the equivalent of year 10 that child may decide whether to continue with home education or undertake an approved learning program. The application and requirements are available here. Registration does not require adherence to any particular curriculum but a HESP must demonstrate how you will address the learning areas. Part-time school attendance is possible.
For registration, contact: Office of the Education Registrar
Tasmanian Home Education Advisory Council (THEAC) is a committee of home educators who:
- Providing advice to the Registrar in relation to applications for approval of a home education program;
- Providing the Minister and the Registrar with advice in relation to home education generally;
- provides a reference point for queries, responds to community concerns and maintains liaison with other agencies about home education.
3 Dowling Street
Launceston, Tasmania 7250
Ph: (03) 6334 5381
Fax: (03) 6331 3982
THEAC is made up of Ministerial appointees and home education representatives who are nominated by the home education community. Their website contains information on how to register as well as useful links and information, and they also run information sessions.
Registration is required with the Liaison Unit of the ACT Education and Training Directorate in accordance with the Education Act 2004 .
We have extracted the most relevant sections for you in the attached PDF ACT Education Act excerpts
Applications are made to the Liaison Unit and automatic provisional registration is granted for six months. A home visit is scheduled with an Authorised Person from the Liaison Unit after five months, with the home educator providing a Home Visit Parent Report at least one week prior. A template for this report is supplied by the Liaison Unit. A certificate of registration is provided for a period of up to two years. Annual reviews include reporting and a home visit – this may be extended to two years if your registration is for two years.
Parents are not obliged to follow the national curriculum but are advised to be familiar with it. Students have access to the NAPLAN if their parents wish, and there is provision for part-time home education.
To register, contact:
Assistant Manager
Home Education
ACT Education and Training Directorate
Phone: +61 2 6205 9299
See also:
For detailed guidance with registration please read our Guide to Home Education Registration in Queensland (Qld).
South Australia
Under the Education and Children’s Services Act 2019, children of compulsory school age (at least 6 years old but not yet 17 years old) must be enrolled in, and attending, a government school or a registered non-government school in SA.
Parents wishing to home educate must enrol in a school and apply for an exemption from attendance.
The full Act is available here.
For detailed guidance with registration please read our Guide to Home Education Registration in South Australia (SA).
Northern Territory
Parents are required to seek approval from the Department of Education and Training (DET).
Home Education is covered under the Education Act 2015 and we have extracted the relevant section for you in the downloadable PDF
For registration, contact
Project Officer
School Education
Department of Education
GPO Box 4821
Useful links
• Education Department’s Home Schooling page (includes information, guidelines and policies)
Western Australia
Home education in Western Australia is covered under Division 6 of the School Education Act 1999
We have extracted the relevant section for you in the downloadable pdf WA Education Act excerpts
Registration is compulsory from the beginning of the year in which a child turns 5 years and 6 months, until the end of the year in which they reach the age of 17 years and 6 months, or the student reaches 18 years, whichever happens first.
Parents apply through their local district office of the Education Department. Each district has its own version of the application form. Under the Act, all you need to provide is your name, your children’s names and birthdates, your address and a contact phone number or email address.
You will receive a request for a meeting with a moderator three months from initial registration. This is for the moderator to introduce themselves. A further visit will be scheduled for later that year when the home educator is required to demonstrate each child’s progress and from which the moderator will prepare an evaluation report. Yearly visits are then standard. Meetings can take place at your home, the moderator’s office or at a neutral venue.
Home educators can determine their own philosophy and style as long as they cover the eight key learning areas (The Arts, English, Health & Physical Education, Technology and Enterprise, Mathematics, Science, Studies of Society and the Environment, and Languages other than English).
The NAPLAN test is optional. Contact your moderator to arrange if desired.
To register contact:
Your local Education District Office – contact details for each district office can be found on the Department website.
See also :
- HEN has a sister organisation in WA called the Home Education WA. You will find them invaluable for local knowledge, information and advice including your rights in terms of moderator visits.
- The Department of Education – home education section.
- A recording of a session run by HEWA and HEN to help you understand how to prepare a plan when you apply for home ed registration, and what to do after you are registered in Western Australia.