With distance education, the curriculum is provided by the government, completed at home under parent supervision and returned for marking. It mirrors the state curriculum, is all done for you and you simply supervise. It is not, in the legal sense, home education.
In Victoria, a child must be registered for home education (where the parent is responsible for the delivery of an education program) or enrolled in a school. It is not possible to be both registered for home schooling and enrolled as a VSV student at the same time.
Virtual School Victoria (VSV) is the Victorian provider, and eligibility criteria is limited predominantly to those who live a certain distance from a school or have a medical reason for not attending school. However there is a pathway to VCE for students who have been registered with the VRQA (the Victorian government regulator responsible for homeschooling) for at least 12 months.
You need to contact VSV if you have any questions. Please visit the VSV website at http://vsv.vic.edu.au/
There is also the possibility of signing up with other Registered Online Schools in Victoria now (2025)
Online option for IB Diploma