The Home Education Network provides this list as a service to the community. Group listing does not imply endorsement by HEN.

Parents retain the responsibility for the education and supervision of their own children. HEN is committed to keeping children safe. See our Statement of Commitment on Child Safety for details.

Many of the groups are run by our members, others by non-members. Home educators have widely differing needs and expectations. It is up to each family to decide which groups are suitable for them.

Find a group by browsing the tabs below.

Preschool age Victorian groups are listed under the Special Purpose tab.

HEN runs a Facebook group for Victorian home educators and those considering home education in Victoria. It is designed to be a source of information, support and encouragement. Feel free to join here.

HEN has recently created a Facebook group for South Australian home educators, and those considering home education. Its aim is to be a source of information, support and encouragement. You are free to post questions here and have general discussions about things related to home education. You can join here.

HEN has also created a Facebook group for  families in Australia with at least one child between the ages of 12 and 18, who are already actively home educating. The purpose of this group is to support and inform as well as being a place for families of teens to share ideas and experiences, to discuss further education options, and make social connections for teens. You can find the group here.

HEN Supporting Neurodivergence & Disability in Home Education Facebook Group is group for those who are currently home educating (HE), as well as those considering it. The focus of this group is on supporting one another, and it is a safe space for all.

Please use this link if you would like to join and answer the questions with the information required.

HEN Members have access to the private HEN Members Facebook Group. Please use this link if you would like to join and answer the questions with the information required.

We have put together some advice on how to go about organising groups, which can be found here. We have also put together a brainstorming checklist to help you plan your group. If you’re interested in finding out more about Co-op’s have a look here.

Facebook group for Homeschool Camps Victoria

Facebook group for Homeschool Camps Australia

** To list or update a group, please fill out this form – if you have any issues please email **

A Bunch of Homeschoolers (Whitehorse/Boroondara)

Join us for casual park meet ups at a range of playgrounds in Whitehorse and Boroondara on Monday afternoons starting from 1.30pm.
Our current group is 4-11 year olds but everyone is welcome.

Details of meetups are posted weekly on our Facebook page.


Homeschooling in Bacchus Marsh

“Homeschooling in Bacchus Marsh” is a nature based meetup, running on Friday’s at 10am.

Contact: Jessie Stewart



Bayside Tweens and Teens

The Bayside Tweens and Teens is a group for home schoolers 10 years and older and their siblings to get together each week on Fridays.



Campbellfield – Melbourne Home Ed Action Kids

We are a group of Home Education families with very active kids. All skill levels are welcome. We currently meet on Fridays 12pm at Volo Indoor Skate Park, Campbellfield. $20 entry fee.
Bring your Scooter/Skateboard, helmet, safety gear (knee pads ect), drinks, snacks, and friends! Café and scooter/helmet hire available.

Plus, we will be organising other fun mid-week activities for a variety of interests, such as bike riding, swimming, kayaking, snorkelling, trampolining, Motocross, beach trips, bushcraft and more. We aim to bring like-minded home school kids together. Please note that all kids will be at different levels and that is ok. We aim to develop partnerships with venues and coaches to help everyone progress or simply join in for fun and socialisation.


Facebook: @MelbourneHomeEdActionKids
Instagram: @MelbourneHomeEdActionKids


Clyde & Surroundings Home-School

Tuesdays and Thursdays. All ages are welcome.



Craigieburn (and surrounds) Homeschoolers

This group is for homeschool families to connect and form friendships.

We meet in the Craigieburn area for playground meetups and fun (Tuesday and Friday afternoons mostly).

It’s a casual meetup environment. We welcome members with diverse views, and expect members to show respect for the choices of others.




A social Group for homeschoolers in and around the Cranbourne area to meet and exchange ideas.

Online based.



Dandenong Ranges

A group to connect homeschoolers in the Dandenong Ranges and surrounding areas.



Daytime Hangout

Mornington Peninsula Shire Youth Services runs Teen Daytime Hangout.
Corner Youth Centre on Thursdays 1.30 – 3.30pm
YLounge Youth Centre on a Mondays  1 – 3pm

Join free weekly social catch ups for homeschooled young people aged 12-17 years old.

Mornington Peninsula Youth Services –


Donnybrook homeschool meet up

Wednesday & Fridays we will meet at parks around Donnybrook surrounding areas.
Mixed up with nature walks/picnics excursions to zoo /museum (each family to pay for themselves).
When we attend paid venues we will be running weekly to create friendships with locals at 11am till 2pm.

You can come anytime stay as long as you if you don’t mind travelling & your free those days, please feel free to come we love new faces.
All families please bring lunch snacks hat water bottles for your own children.



Doreen and Surrounds Home Educators

A group of local home educators with children of all ages growing friendships and supporting each other on the home ed journey.

Meeting up as desired/organised. The group meets on Tuesdays from around 10:30am onwards at a local park.

If you are new to the group, please contact me to confirm where it will be, as we sometimes change venues.

Contact Miriam M on 0458 685 040 for further info.

Facebook group for those that come regularly and for updates on what is happening in the area.


E-Gen Community

We engage in social educational, wellbeing, leadership experiences and gather weekly for social interaction in the outdoors.
Frankston, Bayside & Mornington Peninsula locations

Tuesdays – Art and Media between 12:30-4:30pm
Wednesdays – Woodwork, Authors Club, Permaculture, Cooking, FarmPreneurship, 3D CAD & Construction 9am – 3.30pm
Thursdays – occasional outdoor adventure activities and teen group coop

Contact: Michelle Heriot 0402 141 177



Eltham Home Educators (Eltham, Greensborough, Yarra Valley and beyond)

Meet on Thursday afternoon from about 1.30pm. New families and visitors most welcome.

The Eltham group does not meet during school holidays and from about mid-December to the second week in February.

We alternate between ENAP (Eltham North Adventure Park – Wattletree Road) and Alistair Knox. Email to confirm meet-up location.

Contact: Michelle Duke



Home Education in Melbourne’s Inner South and East suburbs – Thursday Play
This is a social meet-up every Thursday for home schoolers in and around the inner east and south suburbs of Melbourne.
It’s aimed at the 8-12 age group, but all ages are welcome.



Home Educators in Melbourne’s Northern Suburbs (Whittlesea / Darebin / Banyule / Merri-bek)

A place for home educators to share local events, create incursions/excursions, plan meet ups or create online friendships with like minded people.

Meeting ups and planned activities arranged throughout the year.

Contact: Maria



Homeschool Family Play & Social Group – Frankston

A Playgroup & Social group for families actively homeschooling and those interested in homeschooling.
Meeting every Thursday 1 – 3.30pm weekly during school terms in a private enclosed indoor / outdoor play space in Frankston.




Inspiring Connections

Member based weekly meets. Donnybrook location. Every Tuesday 9am-12pm during school terms.
Resource fee paid upfront per term.




Maroondah Homeschoolers

A Facebook group for homeschoolers in Maroondah and surrounding areas to connect, support one another and share resources, activities and events.
There’s not currently a regular in-person gathering, but members are encouraged to use the group to arrange meet-ups.



Melton & Surrounds Home School Community

A group for home schooling families in Melton Victoria and surrounds to connect, a place to organise meet ups, and build friendships.

To start with we won’t make any regular meets, but as we grow, we will plan some more regular activities.



Monash and South East Homeschoolers:

A page for home educating families in the Monash area to connect.

Posts shared via the HEN newsletter and in this Facebook


Mornington Peninsula Homeschool Group



Mount Evelyn

This is a group for Parents that want to take a less stressful pace and a relaxed low key meets and events.

We are based in Mount Evelyn but the events are all over as a Monthly Excursion.



Mudpies Homeschool Co-op (Casey/Cardinia area)

Mudpies is for families who home educate in the Casey/Cardinia area who would like to connect with other families.

We meet every Tuesday from 12.30 – 2:30 at a local park during terms 1 and 4, and a venue during 2 and 3.
Check the events tab in the Facebook group for the weekly event. Mudpies is a flexible group.

You are welcome to attend when it suits your family. We also try to do optional monthly excursions.



North West Learning Network

Based in Sunbury, we welcome home educators from Melbourne’s North, West and surrounding regions to come together and enjoy an eclectic mix of gatherings; learning days, creating days, social days and wandering days.

The North West Learning Network is a two fold non-profit organisation –

a) Our Network runs events, park meets, incursions and excursions over a wide range of interests, hobbies and educational topics. These events are open to all in the home school community who wish to attend.

b) Our Co-Op is membership based and meets weekly on Thursdays between 1:00pm and 4:00pm. Suitable for those who like a more structured meet and can commit to the Group weekly. Lessons are run by members and in typical Co-Op fashion, everyone pitches in to make it work. A fee is paid up-front per term to cover room hire.

If you are interested in joining the Co-op please send a message request and I will contact you with details.




North West Homeschool Family (Tullamarine)

Our Thursday groups are social gathering in differing locations. As common interests arise within the group activities are organised.



Olinda Playspace / Kalorama Reserve Homeschooling Meetup

Are you homeschooling and looking for a regular weekly meetup for you and your child/ren to look forward to and build friendships?
This group aims to help you do just that.

We meet every Wednesday during term, either at the beautiful Olinda Playspace in Olinda or at the cosy pavilion at Kalorama Reserve in Kalorama, depending on the weather and what we decide each week.

Both locations have great playgrounds for the kids to run around in when the weather is fine. It’s a chance for our kids to meet the same people each week, get to know them, and hopefully build real and lasting friendships.

All ages welcome, current ages range from 2 to 14.



Peninsula Wildthings Group

Peninsula Wildthings is a weekly meetup for homeschoolers.

It is an unstructured social catch up. In summer we do beach days and winter we go on nature walks. The group has children of all ages.



Point Cook Home Educators

This group is open to all home educating families living in the west of Melbourne to post their activities and network with other home educating families.

The group promotes weekly activities including home school classes in Taekwondo, art lessons, gymnastics and park days.
As well as one off visits to the zoo, museums, art galleries and cultural tours.

Join now to meet and share with home educating families in the west of Melbourne.


NOTE: Please message admin along with your request to join the group.


Port Melbourne Homeschool Co-op

This co-op is aimed at children aged 7-14. We meet weekly on Mondays from 10am-2pm.

We start with board games and then have co-curricular activities run by specialist teachers. Every term is different and we plan activities based on teacher availability and group interest.
The goal is to present new and varied experiences to children to spark curiosity and interest and encourage group learning.

Last year alone we learnt french through circus sessions, history through art, stop motion animation, calligraphy, and hands on science chemistry and electronics!
After the session, children play outdoors for couple hours and have lunch together. We also celebrate birthdays and any other days that children want to celebrate (Book week, etc).

We are a fully parent-led not-for-profit group and the goal is to help homeschooled children find their own community!
Older and younger siblings welcome but activities are aimed at the 7-14 age group.

Cost varies per term, but we try to keep it under $200 per family (NOT per child).

For more information, please contact Shweta on 0450 750 503 .


Quarries Park Home Ed Meet Up

The meet ups are weekly on Tuesday 1pm onwards. They are all-inclusive and meet at Quarries Park in Clifton Hill around the playground opposite the skate section.


SE Melbourne Meet Up

The group mostly runs outdoor, park-based meetups with indoor options at times. Indoor options usually require a fee to cover space hire.

Various locations in Ringwood, Glenhuntly, Bentleigh and Hampton.
Currently there are options on Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays at 1pm.



South East Explorers
Free weekly homeschooling gatherings for teens and their siblings.
Activities are free, unless noted.

Every Thursday 12.30 – 3.30pm during school term

Locations will be mainly in Kingston & Frankston, but could also be in Bayside, Mornington peninsula & Cardinia.



South East Melbourne Home School Group- Cardinia

We have a membership of just over 120 members. Children range from new born to mid-teens.

We do bi monthly excursions, bi monthly incursions, regular learning pods at the library, dinners out every 6-8 weeks, weekly catch ups at either libraries or different parks.

We’ve booked a local Scout Hall for the Winter months, that have a playground on site, kitchen, toilets and lots of indoor space for play.

Contact: Lauren Doran



Sunbury Home Educators

For families who are currently home educating or considering home education in Sunbury and surrounding areas.

We use this Facebook page as a local point of contact to arrange meet ups, play dates, field trips, classes and to ask questions, share information, ideas and resources that are relevant to all ages and styles of home education.


Wallan & Surrounds Homeschooling Group

A group for anyone homeschooling in Wallan, Mitchell shire or surrounding areas. All ages 0 – 18 plus parents.

Opportunities for others to create, connect and support with each other.


Wattle Kids Community

We are a co-operative of homeschooling families who meet on Monday mornings, focusing on children aged 5-10 years old.
Siblings are very welcome to attend.

We come together to learn through play and exploration of STEM, geography, art, music, Auslan and more.

Contact : Katie and Cara at
or fill in an expression of interest form


Western Suburbs: Home education in Melbourne’s West

The meet is held fortnightly at Brimbank Park. All welcome.


Yarra Glen Group

Meets fortnightly on a Tuesday afternoon, 1.00pm at McKenzie Reserve, Yarra Glen (the playground across the road from the IGA).

It’s a fantastic playground and park which suits all ages, with undercover tables and a skate park as well.
The group has teens, tweens and younger children all attending regularly.

Contact: Annie
Phone: 0409 249 607
Email: anniel_5 (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) au


Yarra Ranges Social Meet up

Upper Yarra Family Centre social meetup and hangout for kids and parents, ages ranging from toddlers to teens.
$5 per family, per week to attend.

Meet up is held in Yarra Junction on Mondays 10am – 1pm.

Contact: Beck
Facebook group

Albury Wodonga Homeschoolers Support Group

Meet regularly for organised activities, social catch ups and excursions.
Contact: Sarah Joy


Alpine Region Homeschoolers

A place for homeschooling families in Myrtleford, Ovens, Porepunkah, Bright, Wandiligong, Mt Beauty, Harrietville, Everton, Gapstead, Whorouly and anywhere in between or nearby, to primarily arrange catch ups and share local information for homeschoolers.


Ararat Homeschool

Ararat home education co-op meets fortnightly on a Tuesday from 10-2pm.
We generally meet at a bushland, lake or park area. Enjoy BYO morning tea and lunch together or a cool as an activity.

School aged children (and younger siblings) welcomed.


Bairnsdale Home-Ed Co-op

A weekly session held on Tuesdays, 10am onwards during school term time where homeschoolers can meet together to build relationships and community.
At Sarsfield Recreation Reserve Hall, School Rd, Sarsfield.
$8 per family, per week, this cost covers hall hire of $5 per family and the provision of lunch and some craft supplies.

Contact: Anna Hamer  0423166483


Bass Coast: Phillip Island/Cowes area

We have a group that meets on Thursdays from 10-12 at Citrus and Vine, Phillip Island Tourist Road in Cowes.
Ages range from kindergarten to teens.

Contact: Michelle
Phone: 0436 358 415


Bendigo Co-op

We are a group that meets fortnightly, on Wednesdays, during school terms for a whole day of activities.
We try to have a good mix of science, sport and art. We also have groups of children working on specific projects and competitions.
We are about organising all the things that are easier and more fun if done in a group.

Contact: Juliet 0408 400 989


Greater Bendigo Homeschoolers

Greater Bendigo Homeschoolers meet on Thursday and Fridays around the city of Bendigo and Regional Bendigo. Most meets are in playground settings or bushland settings.
Most members arrive between 10/11am and stay for a few hours until mid afternoon.

Please see website or Facebook group for more details. All ages and home learning styles are welcome!

Main Facebook Group (Greater Bendigo Homeschoolers)
Casual Catch Ups Facebook Group (Bendigo Home Ed Casual Catch Ups)



Waldorf Homeschooling Group – Castlemaine Style

Contact : Samantha Rowe 0413 932904

As a group we are using Waldorf/Steiner education principles or inquiry based learning to educate our children and ourselves, we support each other to provide great education opportunities both in our own home and when we gather together.

Each Friday during term we meet in a different natural environment that truly embraces the elements expressed in each season. It is here we have Seasonal Festivals, seasonal crafts and stories, morning circle, free creative play all within a rhythmic structure with emphasis on the in and out breath. We employ teachers/tutors for drama, eurythmy, indigenous studies and specialised subjects. Meetings start at 10am and finish at 2pm weekly.

Protocol for New People Joining Waldorf Homeschooling Group Castlemaine Style.

  • To protect the space for our children new people can trial/join our group activities at the beginning of each term after first talking to one of the families in the group.
  • We ask the family joining is Waldorf educating or embraces Waldorf values or inquiry based learning.
  • Our Facebook page is for active participants of our homeschool group.
  • We have a Facebook public group for family and friends to follow what we are doing.


Churchill National Park + Surrounds Home Ed Activity Group

A group of families with primary school aged children who meet from 10:30am on Friday mornings in different national parks or playgrounds in the area.
Children are invited to participate in a range of different activities depending on the weekly theme or play/explore the natural surrounds.

Contact: Casey Jenkins



A new group for home educating families in Daylesford and surrounding areas. Weekly meetup at local parks for children to play, occasional group trips and much more.


Drouin / Warragul and surrounding areas

We are a welcoming group of home schooling families in our local area.
As individual families we incorporate a spectrum of styles, ranging from informal learning approaches to formal curriculum programs but as a group we hope to share in park catch ups, local group excursions and group classes.
Creating a welcoming community is very important to us and hope it’s a place where both children and parents can come together for support and feel safe. We hope each family can feel open to share, ask any questions, contribute to ideas and arrange excursions within the group so there is no pressure on any one person to do so. Facebook group


Echuca / Moama Home Education (Campaspe/Murray)

Social gatherings & Support Network for full-time & part-time Homeschooling & Unschooling families in the Campaspe and Murray Shire, centered around (but not limited to) Echuca-Moama region. The group meets weekly on Wednesdays and Fridays at various locations around the region. All age groups are welcome to attend.



Geelong Home Educators

Contact: Rachel Parkinson
Email: rachelaparkinson (at) hotmail (dot) com


Golden Plains Home Educators Group

We generally meet at a park reserve or playground for 2-3 hours. We alternate Tuesdays and Wednesdays each week and currently the ages range from 2 years old through to 14 years.
We hope to get some more excursions happening in future.


Hamilton area Support Group

Contact: Tammy Cosson Phone: 0466 449 685
Email: cossonfamily1 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Contact: Jayne Marti
Email: jayneandadrian (at) bigpond (dot) com



This group is for home educators in Heathcote and surrounding areas to network, share ideas and create meet ups for learning activities and play.
All ages welcome from birth to teens.


Hills to Sea Homeschool Group

A group for those who live within the perimeters of Lang Lang, Wonthaggi, and Leongatha areas.
We will be meeting weekly on Wednesdays. For those who live on the outskirts of this area and are happy to travel you are more than welcome to join.


Loddon and surrounds homeschooling

Tuesdays @11.30. wide range of ages attend including teens. A very relaxed meet up to foster relationships and provide a safe place for teens to be themselves. Activities vary depending on the weather but are free, byo everything. Generally a 4 hour session.

loddon and surrounds homeschooling


Macedon Ranges Homeschool Meet-up

This is a regular meet-up for homeschoolers in the Macedon Ranges. Kids will have the opportunity to enjoy unstructured play with other homeschoolers in the local area, while parents can meet and connect with local parents. We aim to create a welcoming group which is open, inclusive and supportive to all participants. Homeschoolers visiting the Macedon Ranges are also very welcome to attend.

Parents are responsible for their own children for the entire meet-up and by attending agree to the HEN Event Attendee Guidelines, including the steps for dealing with negative behaviour at the end of the guidelines:

Events are advertised on the Macedon Ranges Home Educators Facebook Group.

If you have any special questions before attending, please feel free to contact us.

Contact: Fiona

Facebook page


Maryborough All Abilities Home Ed Group

Meets Wednesdays at the fully fenced Burns St playground – near the Maryborough Train Station. Shade cover over the playground. Wheelchair accessible toilets nearby and treed grassed area for older kids. 10am-12.30pm.

Contact: Kristina
Phone: 0474 499 712


Maryborough Bush Playgroup

A weekly Bush Playgroup (during school term and some holidays) running Tuesdays from 10am to 12 noon at various bush locations around Maryborough and Carisbrook. The Playgroup is for children from birth to school age, however there are a number of homeschool families who attend and we have decided to expand to include homeschool children. Best suited to lower primary however any age welcome especially with younger siblings. It is a relaxed group with very little structure, we just meet somewhere in the bush and explore from there. Sometimes we play a game, sometimes we do an activity, hike or fire, but mostly kids just explore and parents chat. We have a fruit and veg only rule for snacks. Bring water, snack, suitable clothes and
shoes, a towel and change of clothes in the car is a good idea.

Contact: Kim (via text – 0418 100 028)



Maryborough VIC Homeschool Group

Various members organise get togethers on an ad-hoc basis. There is a Bush Playgroup that welcomes homeschoolers on Tuesdays, and a homeschool gymnastics session on Wednesdays that run regularly during school terms.

Facebook group


Moira Home Education Community

This group is for families who are homeschooling their children in the Moira Shire (Victoria, Australia). Moira Shire includes four major towns: Cobram, Nathalia, Numurkah and Yarrawonga and 22 smaller communities, including Barmah, Bearii, Bundalong, Burramine, Invergordon, Kaarimba, Katamatite, Katunga, Koonoomoo, Kotupna, Lake Rowan, Peechelba, Picola, St James, Strathmerton, Tungamah, Waaia, Wilby, Wunghnu, Yabba North, Yalca and Yarroweyah. We have been meeting in different places around the shire – checking out some fun playgrounds, exploring the bush, playing in the river and creeks, and generally connecting socially with a lovely, friendly and relaxed group of families. Tuesdays (or other days as arranged).



Moe, Morwell and surrounds Homeschoolers / Unschoolers Group

Weekly park and activity meet ups. Interest led and seasonal activities booked regularly.
Primary school aged focused currently due to age of attendees.
Wednesdays 11am



Murrindindi – Dindi Wild + Free Co  

Dindi Wild + Free Co are the Murrindindi Home Education Collective.

We gather outdoors for adventure and exploration all around our wonderfully wild region.
Dindi Wild + Free set out to use experiential opportunities to gain a wide range of life skill sets.

2nd & 4th Monday 1pm (Seymour)
Wednesdays 1pm (Murrindindi)
Fridays 9am (Yea)




Murrindindi Homeschool Warriors

We are a fairly new group of homeschoolers in the Shire of Murrindindi. Yea is where we have been meeting so far, as it is pretty central for most of us.

We currently meet on a Wednesday morning. We usually meet at the local park, and recently granted permission to lease a room at the Yea Lawns Bowl. We plan to provide range of activities indoors.

We require a very small fee contribution, to help cover the minimal cost of the lease (power and insurance), and also to cover art, craft and cooking costs. TBA.

Our ages range from babies and toddlers, right up to early high school. All welcome.

Contact: Lee 0403 379 905



North East Victoria Home Education

We are a homeschool group centered around Benalla in North East Victoria, covering an area including Wangaratta, Benalla, Mansfield, Strathbogie, Euroa, Violet Town, Seymour, Shepparton and places in between. We embrace and support all homeschooling methods and religions.

Contact: Ruth tim_n_ruth (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) au



Northern Eastern Victorian Australia

We are a welcoming group! We have families traveling around Australia come to our group, and we meet weekly in the GV area.


Contact: Tina
Phone: 0423 805 702



Portland/Hamilton/Mt Gambier area
Limestone coast homeschool group

Meet Friday during school term from 10.30am

Contact: Nicole


Sale Traralgon Un/Homeschoolers

Sale Traralgon Un/Homeschoolers are an established group who are passionate about creating a network of homeschooling/ unschooling families in the region for connection and support. We welcome ANYBODY who is interested in alternative education including homeschooling, unschooling, part-time schooling, distance education and anyone wanting to explore alternative educational options.



Snowy River Home Education Community
We meet the 3rd Tuesday 10am – 12noon of every month in the Orbost area generally for an arranged activity plus morning tea and relaxed time to chat while children are occupied.
All ages welcome.

Contact: Rosanne Trevaskis 0418 858 322



Sunraysia Home Educators

Meets occasionally in and around Mildura.

Contact: Rachel O’Connor
Phone: 0428 564 278


Sunraysia Home Education Network 

Facebook page


Warragul and Drouin Home Education Families

We meet weekly (Thursdays 10:30-12:30) at a local park, sometimes at the pool or library if the weather isn’t great.
We will be having some excursions and activities organised for 2023.


Facebook Group


Warrnambool and Surrounds Homeschoolers Group

Local homeschooling group, we welcome all ages and provide a safe space for everyone. We regularly meet for gymnastics, book club, art gallery sessions and general catchups. Meets are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Time varies depending on the activity.

Contact: Shona Jayne



West Gippsland Home Education Group (Warragul, Drouin, Latrobe Valley and surrounds)

Meet 3rd Friday of the month at Rokeby Hall. Also organised picnics, excursions and activities.



Western Victoria

We are a group aiming to service not only a broad geographical area but also a wide range of individuals. We welcome members of all ages, abilities, learning styles and walks of life to join us for social meets and activities across the area.

Contact: Kate
Phone: 0434 525 496



Wimmera Home Education Group

Aims to gather monthly in a place in the Wimmera area.



Wimmera Educational Resource Centre, Warracknabeal

Meets together on the fourth Wednesday of the month in Horsham.

Meetings are from 12 – 3pm

‘The Shed’ is a Resource Centre full of books, games, dvds and many other educational resources, which can be borrowed.
Resources are suitable for all ages (including parents) to help with the education of the children.

Contact: Leanne 0498 033 027 or Rosemary 0418 176 481


ASD Homeschoolers (Facebook)

This group is for families who are homeschooling their ASD/Asperger children in Victoria, Australia.


Home Educators Australia PDA Support (Facebook)

A group where Australian home educating families with experience of PDA can share what works or doesn’t work for their families, useful information, etc.


Homeschool Camps Victoria (Facebook)

Please remember that home ed camps are run by volunteers. To minimise their workload, please take the time to read FAQs and check existing comments about camps you are interested in. 


LGBTIQA+ Homeschoolers in Melbourne and Victoria

A safe, welcoming group where homeschooling families who have one or more family members who identify as LGBTIQA+ can come together to organise meetups and support each other. If you would like to join, please send us an email telling us a little about yourself and your family. Please note that discussion takes place in a secret Facebook group.

Contact: lgbtiqa (dot) homeschoolers (at) gmail (dot) com


Homeschoolers for Climate Action

A place for Melbourne homeschoolers to come and plan strike action in November, or organise to get together at other planned events. 🙂


Preschool Aged Specific Groups

West Melbourne Wildlings (Preschoolers)

A place for families of home educated children in the pre-registration years (0-6) to connect and create a village so the journey into Home Education is full of familiar faces sharing support and growing together. We hold weekly meet-ups that alternate days and location on a monthly basis to accommodate everyone, as well as occasional group craft and creative learning days. Open to anyone who lives in a Melbourne, but keep in mind weekly meet ups run within western Melbourne except for occasional nature walks and excursion to various other places.
Or find group on Facebook: West Melbourne Wildlings


Homeschool Preschool (Secular, Gentle) – North West Melbourne

A Facebook group for connecting secular, gentle, homeschooling parents/preschoolers (aged 0 – 6yrs), in northwest Melbourne/Victoria (Macedon area based). Sharing support, resources and ideas.

HEN Teen Families Victoria

This Facebook group is for Australian families with at least one child between the ages of 12 and 18, who are already actively home educating.The purpose of this group is to support and inform. HEN is here to provide advice and guidance where needed, but this is also a place for you to share your ideas and experiences, to discuss further education options, and make social connections.


Casey/Cardinia area: Teen Vibes

We are a local group for Cardinia/Casey shire (and welcome neighbouring suburbs) for pre-teens and teens aged 11/12 to 16 years. We meet weekly on Tuesdays at various places and participate in various activities both educational and social.


Melbourne Homeschooled & Online Schooled Teens

Ciri Stanek (pronouns: she/her) Email: My friend, Reina, and I set up a Facebook group, for homeschooled teens (and their families) from all over Victoria to connect.
We also organise other online spaces and in-person meetups for teens (as well as group chats, Discord servers and more). Facebook Group

Snazzy Homeed Teens – Online space

Snazzy Homeed Teens is a chill online space for any home education teens (12-19) to chat, play games and vibe! (run by teens)

Guidelines/rules to keep our snazzy meetings a safe and respectful space for everyone:
-Please keep slurs, homophobia, transphobia, racism, aggression, bullying and other offensive language and behaviour away.
-Keep swearing to a minimum.
-Refer to people with their name and pronouns.
-Keep convos and screensharing PG.
-Totally up to you whether you want mic and camera on and off!! We honestly don’t mind either way, as long as you can remain kind and respectful 🙂
-Respect everyone and their opinions.
-If you notice a conversation is getting heated, please just drop it. It’s hard, I know, but we really don’t need drama. If you want to continue, take it to DMs.
-During meetings, feel free to chat, play games, laugh and have fun!
-If you have friends that are keen to join the meeting – cool! Just give Ciri a heads up beforehand.
-If there are an issues with other people in call, or if you feel uncomfortable – please contact Ciri (organiser of these meetings) by messaging her on zoom, social media, or email:
-If you have any questions, concerns or access needs, please contact Ciri.
-If you require support during or outside of these meetings, KidsHelpline is always there to help! Free call: 1800 55 1800. Website:

In short: be a decent human jellybean and we’re glad to have you!

Awliya Preschool & Homeschool Community – City of Casey & City of Greater Dandenong

Awliya Preschool & Homeschool Community is a Muslim run homeschool group based in the south eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
Located in City of Casey & City of Greater Dandenong.

We meet weekly on Mondays & Tuesdays 11am – 12.30pm and also organise park days, excursions, beginning & end of year parties as well as Eid celebrations!



Ballarat Christian Home Ed Parents



Berwick – Kingdom Homeschool Co Op

Kingdom is a Christian group for encouragement and socialisation. Structured group with classes for school aged children, run by paid teachers/volunteers, with subjects such as drama, art, sport/games, and science.

Term fees required. Group excursions also arranged once a term.

Current age range of children are approx ages 6-17.

Group is full for 2025 and not taking any more names on our wait list at this time.

Contact: Elaine


Christian Homeschoolers in Greater Eastern and Southern Melbourne

We are a group of Christian Homeschoolers with infants, kinder and primary aged children. We welcome all styles of homeschooling and encourage everyone to use this group as a way to connect with and encourage each other in our homeschooling journey. Feel free to post questions, share resources, suggest meet ups etc! : )



Eastern Orthodox Christian Home Educators Meet Up and Excursion Group

Our group meets regularly at locations across Melbourne. Families currently registered for home schooling in Victoria are welcome.
Interstate homeschooling families visiting Melbourne are welcome to join us also.

Contact: Carol


Frankston-North – Arrows Christian Co-Op
Arrows has now been running for over 2 years.

We have a wonderful group of committed mums who have a vision to raise up the next generation of believers, foster Godly friendships to ensure that iron sharpens iron, having fun & learning at the same time.
Students form lifelong friendships, develop leadership skills, and at times get involved in community outreach while parents remain on site to fellowship together.

Kids all learn valuable life skills such as woodwork, home economics, art & craft, drama, STEM, public speaking, science, photography, business entrepreneurship etc all while interweaving a Biblical worldview.

Location: Frankston
Time: Fortnightly Fridays – 10.30am – 2.30pm
Ages: 5 – 15yrs

We are a non-for profit group but have fees of $100 per family per term to cover expenses.

*Trial offered when available, but does not indicate immediate placement

Contact: Simone Christie 0414 650 730


GLOW (Growing Lightbearers of the World) – Wyndham Vale

Growing Lightbearers of the World (GLOW) is a Christ-centered cooperative that is committed to provide a welcoming and encouraging environment for homeschooling families and to corporately train our kids in the way they should go.

It was created to give families the chance to get together and enhance their kids’ education through a range of activities like sports, career talks, excursions, camping trips, volunteer opportunities, market days, year-end celebrations, friendly competitions, choir, dance, drama, art, band, and life skills classes. Located in Wyndham Vale, Victoria, this non-denominational cooperative meets on Fridays 10am.

Our group consists of parents, grandparents, and children ranging from toddlers to high schools.

Contact: Kel 0431 687 038


Hajar’s Way

Operating in the Melbourne Eastern Suburbs, we are a support group for our Muslim home learning community providing programs, parent focused sessions, family excursions, and resources.
Contact email:
Instagram @hajars.way
Facebook @AusMADEinc


Homeschool Catholic South East Melbourne

Weekly catch up, 11am on Fridays
South East Suburbs of Melbourne, location announced on the FB group beforehand

Generally, starting with a short mat time with songs, bite-sized Catechism of the Catholic Church, a book, followed by unstructured play and optional structured activities

Open to All Ages

Cost: FREE

Contact: Christine Guanizo 0449 517 458



North Central Victorian Catholic Home Educators

A small group of Catholic Home Educators in the region, sharing support and opportunities for social connection for families who share faith.

Meet every 2nd & 4th Monday in Seymour at 1pm

Contact: Leah 0484 296 818



Teachable Hearts – Casey Christian families

A community of teachable hearts meeting regularly to share, learn and pray and just do life together, around City of Casey area.
Christian based.

Weekly Thursdays 1.30pm



The Catholic Homeschool South East Melbourne

Generally, starting with a short mat time with songs, bite-sized Catechism of the Catholic Church, a book, followed by unstructured play and optional structured activities

Weekly catch up, 11am on Fridays

Multipurpose Room at Wilson Botanic Park, Berwick

Open to All Ages

Cost: FREE

Contact: Christine Guanizo 0449 517 458




Canberra Homeschooling Hiking and Outdoors

Homeschool hiking and outdoors group for those that love getting active in the outdoors – parents included!
Not suitable for children under nine due to the level of hiking and trails – unless your child is extremely capable and use to such hikes.

Wednesdays 10.30am

Contact: Jenn
Facebook : Canberra Homeschool Hiking & Outdoors


Home Education Canberra


Canberra And Surrounds Homeschool Social Group 8yrs+ (Facebook)

This group has meet ups regularly.


Christian Home Education Canberra Association

CHEC is a Christian support network for home-educators in the ACT and surrounding regions. For more information please visit the website by clicking on the group’s name, above.


Also if you are moving to and living in NSW around Canberra this group may work for you.

Home Education NSW


New South Wales

Map of Sydney Groups


Home Education NSW (Facebook)


SHEN: Sydney Home Education Network

Sports carnivals, performance events, others to connect homeschooling families.,


Albury Wodonga Homeschoolers Support Group

Meet regularly for organised activities and excursions.

Contact:  Sarah Joy


Central Coast Homeschoolers NSW

A diverse group of homeschooling families spread out right across the Central Coast. There are many regular classes and events happening around the Coast.
Please get in touch for support and more information.

Contact: Vivienne Fox
Phone: 0407 480718


Goulburn Home Educators

We meet on Tuesdays from 12:00 to 3:00 in Goulburn NSW.

Contact: Annette


Armidale and New England Home Educators(facebook info page) and Facebook group:


Homeschool Griffith and Beyond(facebook)


Griffith Homeschool Group

We meet fortnightly, on any day that suits our families for a casual bring your own lunch catch up.



Illawarra Homeschoolers(Facebook)


Great Lakes Home Educators (facebook)

Contact: Jen Muir


Mid-North Coast Home Educators



Moss Vale

Family Run Education Southern Highlands (FRESH) is a group that meets every Wednesday of the school term in Moss Vale.

The group is for homeschooling families in and around the Southern Highlands, however all are welcome.
FRESH is a family run group where the homeschooling parents work together in educating their children.

12.30 – 3.30pm
Optional 11.30am – 12.30pm for art/teens group

Insta: @fresh_homeschool



Rainbow Region Homeschoolers (Northern Rivers NSW)

The Rainbow Region Home Schoolers group is an online community in the Northern Rivers area of NSW, for families who are currently homeschooling. From preschoolers to high schoolers. This group is for homeschoolers to create connections, create gatherings, to share events, and meet other Homeschoolers. We are an umbrella group for many smaller homeschooling groups in the Northern Rivers area of NSW, Australia. We have members from Lismore, Mullumbimby, Murwillumbah, Nimbin, Ballina/Lennox, Byron, Casino, Kyogle, Hastings/Cabarita/Pottsville, Tabulum and Tweed…and all the wonderful little communities in between! Or


Southern Tablelands: HENCAST

HENCAST (Home Education Network of Canberra and Southern Tablelands

HENCAST is an eclectic and inclusive, secular network of home-educating families based in Canberra and its surrounds. Our members come from all walks of life and practice a broad range of educational approaches. We have members with children home educating from pre-school to year 12.

We are a cross border incorporated association.

We meet weekly, during the year following the school terms, and occasionally in school holidays. Our weekly meet ups can be for a picnic, educational excursion or other social activity.


Northern Territory

Home Education in the Northern Territory
Facebook page


Katherine Homeschool Group

Contact: Jen Bauer –



Home Education QLD Inc – QLD volunteer run support organisation for homeschoolers in QLD

Home Education Queensland Facebook – A group to encourage, support and be guided in your home education journey in Queensland for Qld parents. –A place to get advice on registration, reporting etc.

Brisbane Southside Homeschool Group (Facebook)


Browns Plains to Jimboomba and Surrounds Homeschoolers (Facebook)


Bundaberg Homeschoolers



Cairns Home Education


Cassowary Coast Homeschoolers (Mission Beach)



Charters Towers Homeschoolers and Unschoolers



Darling Downs and Surrounds Home Educators


Gold Coast Homeschoolers (Facebook)


Homeschooling in Queensland Facebook


Innisfail Home Education

All-age playgroup on Mondays at Darlingia Forest School 8:30am to 10:30am. Please bring a plate to share. Facebook


Ipswich Homeschoolers & Unschoolers (Facebook)


Mackay Homeschooling


Moreton Bay Region Homeschooling Connections (Facebook)


Queensland Homeschooling Events (Facebook)


South Brisbane Teens & Tweens Homeschoolers (Facebook)


South West Brisbane Homeschoolers (Facebook)


Tablelands Home Education (THE)

Tablelands Home Ed meet on Thursdays at 9:30am for younger children and 10:30am as a whole group for all ages.
We offer various activities across the Tablelands and sometimes in Cairns, as well as at least four camps each year.

Email: tablelandshomeed (at) gmail (dot) com


Townsville & NQ Homeschoolers

We are a very active group with weekly meet ups for educational and social activities. Ages ranging from Prep to Year 12 many with older or younger siblings attending too. We do a combination of park play and structured activities, have a sports group, a high school group, and many other activities happening on other days.

Townsville & NQ Homeschoolers
Facebook group


The Domain Co-Op Urangan

Fortnightly sessions in Science, Art, Sport and Auslan Class.

Contact: Lee


South Australia

Mt Gambier area

Limestone coast homeschool group
Meets weekly every Friday from 10.30am during school term

Contact Nicole


Adelaide Hills Homeschoolers

Weekly meetups during school terms at different locations in the hills.


Adelaide and South Australian Homeschoolers: Also has a Yahoo group at


Fleurieu Home Educators:


North East Adelaide Home Educators:


SA Home Ed Camps:

For families already home educating, the main group to join to find out what events and meet ups are happening around Adelaide and beyond is Adelaide Home Edders – Meet Ups:


Eyre Peninsula Homeschoolers

Events and meet ups happen sporadically and can be organised by anyone who chooses to do so. Details of events and gatherings are promoted on the

Eyre Peninsula Homeschoolers Facebook group.


HENS Barossa Valley

Monthly meets around the Barossa doing a range of activities. Facebook group.


Murray Bridge and Surrounds Homeschool Group

We are a friendly group with children of all ages, meeting mostly for casual catch ups in members’ homes or at playgrounds, with occasional organised local excursions.



Tweens and Teens Home Education SA

Group to facilitate and support connection between families with home educated teens. A place to facilitate meetups, events network and inspire each other.




Tasmanian Home Education Network facebook


Circular Head Homeschooling Group

Meeting fortnightly in Stanley
Contact Kylie for details on 0401325175


Hobart Home Education Community

Contact: Fiona Lohrbaecher


Homeschooling in Hobart website with great local information and also local group information


Homeschooling North West Tasmania

Meet every Friday from 11am and have kids from toddlers to about 17. Email to find out what is coming up.



West Coast Tas Home Educators

Contact: Tracy –


Western Australia

HENS, Albany WA.
Contact: Natalie Reeve
Email: regency (at) omninet (dot) net (dot) au


Home Education WA
(Formerly Home-Based Learning Network)
PO Box 1893
Midland DC   WA   6936
Phone: 08 6244 4362
Facebook group main: Home Education WA – HEWA
Facebook group: Home Education WA (HEWA) Knowledge Collection

HEWA Home Education WA – Learning for Life
Welcome to HEWA – Home Education WA (formally HBLN – Home-based Learning Network).
We are a not-for-profit, community-based and volunteer-run organisation dedicated to providing support for home-educating families in WA.

Hedland Homeschoolers

Currently 10 families who get together on a regular basis in Port and South Hedland.
Facebook: Hedland homeschooling


Home Education WA

A not-for-profit, community-based and volunteer-run organisation dedicated to providing support for home-educating families in WA.
They run classes, activities and special events and provide support services such as parent workshops, home education information and publications, as well as advocacy for home-educating parents.

Home Education QLD Inc.

A not-for-profit, community-based and volunteer-run organisation dedicated to providing support for home-educating families in QLD. You will find them invaluable for local knowledge, information and advice.

Tasmanian Home Education Network (Facebook)

Homeschool Careers and Further Education Community (Facebook)

A facebook group where people share tips on getting into tertiary courses or finding careers or work experience opportunities for home educated teens.

Homeschool Camps & Conferences Australia (Facebook)

Australian Homeschool House Swap (Facebook)

Australian Defence Force Homeschooling Families (Facebook)

Australian Jewish Home Educators(Facebook)
Originally setup for Australian Jewish Home Educators, there is a private Facebook group, which is accessible via the Facebook page.For security and privacy concerns we ask people connect with the group that way and only request to join the group if one of the parents is Jewish. For those who are not Jewish and just want to engage in discussion and gain further knowledge, we ask that they engage with our Facebook page.

Home Education Association, Inc.
A national not-for-profit organisation supporting home educators across Australia.

Minecraft Homeschoolers (Facebook)

Muslim Home Education
Mission Islam: Home Education
Muslim Home Education Network

Travelling Australia with Kids (Facebook) has an extensive website of essays and articles, as well as a number of discussion boards. Website:

Dyslexia Homeschool Australia (Facebook)

The Educating Parents Homeschooling and Unschooling (Facebook) Also has a Yahoo page at

Homeschool Preschool Mamas Australia
Australia-wide group for homeeducating families with preschool aged children. A space for sharing ideas, activities, curriculum, encouragement, support and all things relating to homeschooling with younger children.

School of Air and Distance Learning Families Australia

Home Education Australia