Financial assistance
There is no specific financial assistance to home educators in Australia and home educators are ineligible for the Education Maintenance Allowance. However, registered home education is recognised as a valid form of education and, as such, you may be eligible for a payment if you meet the other eligibility criteria.
Centrelink payments for parents and home educators can be a little complicated, as eligibility is based on various requirements and circumstances – your age, income, relationship status, and the age of the children. Payments are not automatic, you need to apply for them through Centrelink.
- Partnered Home Educators & Centrelink (children and teenagers aged under 16 years)
- Single Home Educators & Centrelink (children and teenagers under 16 years)
- Assistance for Isolated Children (distance, health, disability)
- Home-ed, Centrelink and Kids Aged 16+
- home educators are eligible for the $100 Active Kids Voucher, and the $100 Creative Kids Voucher. Enter “Home Schooling” in the schools field.
- Victorian families may be able to access the government funded program called Get Active Kids Voucher Program. You need to apply each year and keep an eye on the program’s website for application dates and how to apply here.
- The Victorian Carer Card provides discounts and benefits to carers in acknowledgment of their contribution.
- If you have a health care or pensioner card, your child is eligible for the KidSport Voucher of $150.
Saver Plus
Home educators are eligible to join Saver Plus, a free community program where participants can get up to $500 for their child’s at home education costs. Funds can be spent as the parent wishes, including second hand purchases – not limited to laptops and textbooks. Eligibility criteria includes:
- Have Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card
- Have a Centrelink payment – Family Tax Benefit A & B included
- Be studying yourself or have a child that is studying – home-schooling is eligible
- Have some money from work – includes informal, child support payments, partner’s work (no minimum requirement)
More information on the BSL website.
Home education need not be expensive. You can home educate with a library card, the resources you already have at home and the free resources available in your community. An internet connection is highly recommended. Many commercial home education supplies are available if families choose to use them and prices vary. The reality is there is no specific cost of home education; it can cost very little or it can cost thousands of dollars, depending on what method and which resources you choose to use. We advise families to look carefully at materials before making a large investment. It is unfortunate when families spend a lot of money on a resource, only to discover later that their money could have been better spent.
See also:
- Resources for ideas on low cost home education materials.
- Home Educating on a Budget
- Student and Travel Cards
- Insurance
- Work Experience