It is quite possible to home educate right through to university entrance without VCE but keep in mind that, in Victoria, home education at this level does not result in a recognised qualification and students are therefore ineligible for Youth Allowance.
Students who choose to home educate through to year 12 level then have the option to enter a further education institution, start businesses or look for work. Home ed students do all those things.
As most of you know, things you are interested in require almost no motivation to learn. Teenagers can quite easily get themselves to quite a high academic level in their field of interest through use of the web and the many text books available. If they feel the need to find one-on-one teaching with an expert in their study area but these are not usually hard to find. Someone always has a friend of a friend who is a boat-builder, or web designer or journalist and most people are delighted to give a few lessons on their own areas of interest or expertise to someone who is keen. Once you have reached certain levels of competence, it is usually not hard to find an opening for a job or further education course.