Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) FAQ
What is the AIC payment?
Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) is a Centrelink group of payments for parents and carers of children who can’t go to a local government school because of geographical isolation, disability or other needs. It is a significant payment available to some home educators, but it is not a ‘homeschool payment’. There are no government payments to home educate your children.
In most cases related to your child having a disability or anxiety, you will need a medical professional to fill in a portion of the forms to show that the child can not attend school, or that a home education environment is better for the child.
Am I eligible?
In addition to the initial eligibility criteria, ongoing receipt of the AIC payment requires annual evidence of continuing registration. Note that if you forget to supply your registration letter with your annual paperwork to AIC staff, it can be uploaded through your MyGov account – when the MyGov system asks if it is a Centrelink form or Supporting Document, choose Centrelink form, then put AICEOY as the code. That gets your registration letter directly to the AIC team promptly.
- Please note that that not all home educated children will be eligible for this payment.
- See Centrelink website for detailed information about eligibility and how to submit claims.
Who needs to fill out the form? Do I need a GP or specialist?
A parent/guardian needs to fill out the claim form (SY040) –
You may also require a Medical Statement – Student Special Needs form (SY099) –
which must be completed by a medical practitioner/specialist.
The additional forms required will be determined by the reasoning for home educating.
When do I need to submit the form by?
To claim AIC for any calendar year, your form must be submitted by the 1st March the following year (for example: if you’re claiming for 2023 you can submit a claim before, during or after that school year. You need to submit a claim for 2023 by 1 March 2024). You may be back paid depending on when you started home educating and when you submitted the form.
How do I answer specific questions?
The questions most people are unsure about answering are covered below with an explanation:
SY040 claim form: (updated 11th November 2024)
Q1-42 are about the applicant (parent/carer) and the student. If claiming for more than one student, multiple forms will need to be completed.
Q12 – is your home on a property? For general housing the answer is “no
Q43 – What year are you claiming AIC for? – this can be for the year ahead if you haven’t started yet, or the current year even at the end of that year if you have been home educating during that school year. You can claim for the previous year if your form is submitted before 1st March.
Q44 – Name of school / institution = ‘Home education’ with principal home address specified. Please note that if using a form of Distance Education (such as Virtual School Victoria), this is a registered school and those details must be supplied here.
- (You must attache registration certificate to this application)
- Grade/ year level: can be approximate
- Tertiary course name, provider and course number = can leave blank if not relevant
Q45 – will the student be studying full time = generally this is ‘yes’ regardless of how many hours per day you spend ‘schooling’.
Q46 – if home educating for the entire year, this can be 1/1/xxxx, if started mid year, put the actual date your registration began
Q47 – tick which best applies (usually first box – go to Q48)
Q48 – how many days per week: generally 5-7
Q49 – complete if using partial school enrolment, otherwise tick ‘no’.
Q50 – only if relevant to Northern Territory Homeland Centre – if ‘no’ go to Q83
Q51-61 – only if second home applies
Q62-82 – only if boarding applies
Q83 – important question! See the information booklet (at the beginning of the PDF form) for more detail about ‘reason for applying for AIC’, however, most frequently the answer will be the second choice ‘has a disability or other condition/need which requires them to study from home’. If you choose this option you must also supply the SY099 Medical Statement form (completed by medical professional), but this can be submitted at a later date in order to begin the process. If choosing this option go to Q97
Q84-86 – change of circumstances only if applies
Q87-93 – geographic location only
Q94-96 – only answer as applies
Q97+ – payment details etc as requested
SY099 – Medical Statement (updated 6th July 2023)
Q1-7 – student / applicant details
Q8 – tick box A (ticking box C, even if true, will require statements from Dept of Education that are not likely to be provided)
Q11 – declaration
This may now be completed by an Allied Health Professional, provided you can reason why they are better served to complete than a GP / clinical psychologist. STILL PREFERRED GP to fill in the form for ease of processing. However if an AH professional knows your child best this may be the only option.
Q12-20 Dr / AH Professional details and specialty (skills must relate to reason child being home educated)
Q21 – you can tick “yes” at this question and just note referred by GP for specialist care. It is not clear at this stage if ticking “no” is detrimental to your application.
Q22 – diagnosis and any other issues
Q23 – check A – go to 24 and answer Q24 only (unless other reasons applied under at Q8)
Then go to Q28 (NO NEED TO FILL IN Q25-27, unless you chose a different reason at Q8)
Q28 – usually “no” although you / your GP will know if “yes” is relevant
Q29 – YES
Q30 – NO
Q31 – more than 20
Q32 – give details (unsure if required, says go to 34?)
Q33 – yes
Q34-36 – Dr declaration
- Disclaimer – This information is advice only, and your individual circumstances may require different responses than those outlined above. Your best source of information and support is always going to be the AIC line. HEN is not responsible for the acceptance / rejection of AIC claims based on this advice.
When submitting your initial application, upload your form as a ‘document’ in your Centrelink app. You should phone the AIC line in a few days to check this has been received and actioned.
Where can I get help with filling out the form?
HEN FAQs above should help most queries, and we also take enquiries via email ( However the best source of information is the dedicated AIC helpline on 132 318. This line is less busy than usual Centrelink services, and the staff have been remarkably helpful and will take the time to help you answer all questions.