The following information is available about the academic outcomes of home education in Australia:
The education departments of three states are known to have examined educational outcomes of home educated students through NAPLAN testing etc. Those studies have only been released via freedom of Information requests.
- NSW BOSTES study on NSW NAPLAN, Year 10 and Year 12 results students being home educated plus those previously home educated. While the department downplayed these results as ‘self-selected’ and ‘low numbers’, the 3965 formerly home educated students were not self-selected and that population is almost double that of the largest NSW school – a number which cannot be dismissed as ‘low’. Media report here.
- Vic Department of Education and Training information on Vic NAPLAN, VCE and OnTrack information on home educated (and formerly home educated) students
- Newspaper article on the South Australian Education Department NAPLAN study
In addition, The HEN Handbook of Alumni documents the outcomes of the home educated alumni survey with 507 respondents.