By Alison Mazza
As a homeschooling mum all I seem to do is rush from here to there,
With barely any time to even brush my hair.
It’s always ‘quick, everyone, shoes on and out the door’,
No time now for all those last-minute chores.
Then once we’re safely in the car the questions start.
‘Mum, what’s faster, a three- or four-wheel cart?’
And ‘Mum, how do dolphins sleep?’
And ‘What makes a baby chick cheep?’
Next thing you know someone needs to wee,
And I have to start searching for a nearby tree.
Back in the car, the fighting begins.
‘Mum, he hit me,’ and ‘Well, she kicked my shins.’
Then it’s ‘Mum, I’m hungry,’ ‘Mum, I need a drink.’
Slowly I feel I’m going crazy trying to drive, referee and think.
I’m always a bit surprised that we get where we need to go,
What with all the distractions and stops, it often feels very slow.
Then it’s home again to face all the things that have been neglected.
To do the dinner, dishes, stories and other things that are expected.
The questions continue as do the fights and the requests for food.
But in between there is the love, fun, laughter and times when everyone is in a good mood.
There are the shared moments of wonder, at things we discover together.
The family walks, talks and fun, no matter what the weather.
The moments that could never happen if they were shut away in school,
Learning to sit still, answer questions and trying to look cool.
And as it all slows down at the end of the day,
As I lay down in bed exhausted I realise I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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