Quitting school

Many people home educate teenagers so you won’t be alone. If they wish, teens leaving school can maintain school friendships in out-of-school hours; they also maintain or make friendships from sporting and hobby groups; and are made most welcome amongst the home education community. To be ‘in the loop’ about what’s on, it is worth joining the network.

Members receive weekly emails with coming events. There are also regular groups which meet socially and for various activities – you may need to try a couple of groups to find the right age mix for your teenager.

Leaving school can be a turbulent time. Be kind to yourself and expect a transition or recovery phase. We call this ‘Decompression’ or ‘Deschooling’.

Keep in mind that kids are not ‘dropping out’ of school; they are ‘rising up’ from it instead. School is only one way to get an education. Many teenagers find leaving school the best way to tailor their education to their own needs and abilities. It enables them to follow their own interests, seek out relevant resources and take control of their own lives.

One thing to consider is whether your teenager is/will be eligible for Youth Allowance while attending school. Victorian home educators are ineligible to receive YA as Centrelink does not recognise homeschooling as meeting the YA eligibility criteria. If this presents a problem, for your family, consider the options under the VCE & Alternatives and Transition.  

See also:
• Getting Started Guide
 Quit school and still get a good education
• Adults can’t you see? Teenage suicide and compulsory schooling
• Resources