Home educated students are effectively locked out of VET funding at the moment and HEN is trying to get this changed.
Our submission is below.
An explanation of acronyms is provided below the submission for younger families.
[gview file=”https://home-ed.vic.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Skills-First-Submission-HEN.pdf”]
Acronyms and terms:
- VRQA: Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority – the registration body which registers home ed students of compulsory education age.
- DET: Victorian Department of Education and Training
- TAFE: Tertiary and Further Education institutions.
- VET: Vocational Education Training i.e. certificate courses
- VETiS: Vocational Education Training in Schools
- Skills First Funding – the funding arrangements for all VET courses.
- Smart and Skilled Policy – the NSW equivalent of the Victorian Skills First policy
- Isolated Children’s Allowance – remote home educators and those whose children have special needs can be eligible for this Centrelink payment.
- VCE: Victorian Certificate of Education (Year 11 and 12)
- VSV: Virtual School Victoria, formerly known as Distance Education Centre Victoria (DECV). Most home educators are ineligible until year 10 when they can enrol in VSV if they have been registered with the VRQA for the 12 months prior.