A Week in the Life of our home educating Family – Ash B

Our life is anything but Instagram worthy. I read the amazingly post-able blogs of home educating families, that must have fifty times the energy of my family, with mixed feelings of inspiration (at what’s possible), insecurity (I’m not capable of that), and a touch of cynicism (tell us the downside)! 

We’ve got 11, 9, and 5 year olds. Our week consists of a flexible routine. None of us are morning people so our bleary eyed breakfast is normally around 8.30am followed by a Bible devotion. Our kids do English, maths and reading daily, plus science, word building and social studies once a week. They write a journal three times a week. They usually finish their bookwork within 1.5 hours. On Fridays, they do sewing and cooking with granny. They all love art and this is something they do most days without any guidance. 

We mix a set curriculum with a fair bit of outdoor action guided by the seasons/ weather. Over the warmer months, we get to the beach most days (a three-minute drive away) which may include surfing, snorkelling or swimming. Over the cooler months, we usually swim at the heated pool once a week and do beach walks most other days. 

I try not to pack their days too full as I find giving them time to ‘be bored’ is one of the best pathways to self-directed creativity. They do Cubs/Scouts once a week and church on a Sunday. 

All the kids help with household chores as part of the family unit. This includes dishes, cleaning, and looking after our animals. They don’t get pocket money for this. Pocket money is only given for help outside their standard chores. 

They tag along with me on work trips whenever possible. This usually consists of trips to Wilson’s Promontory, taking school groups for surf, kayak or SUP (stand-up paddleboard) lessons. The older two kids help with the lessons. If this sounds in any way glamorous, it’s not. Just ask my kids about packing up wetsuits on a cold, rainy day! 

Most days are filled with the standard everyday mundane tasks of family life, but it really is one of the best lives possible; beautiful in both its quiet simplicity and in being shared together. 

Otherways 175 (Feb 2023)

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