Postcards from Alumni
This is an excerpt from Otherways issue 128. It features a sample of former home educated students and details the pathways they took to university and other further education. Alumni Postcards
This is an excerpt from Otherways issue 128. It features a sample of former home educated students and details the pathways they took to university and other further education. Alumni Postcards
For families who have home educated through the primary school years, in many ways home educating a teenager is no different – you just keep on providing a stimulating educational environment and seeking out information and opportunities on topics that match their interests. The main difference is that as kids get older you use higher level resources. Teens also become more independent at finding
Many people home educate teenagers so you won’t be alone. If they wish, teens leaving school can maintain school friendships in out-of-school hours; they also maintain or make friendships from sporting and hobby groups; and are made most welcome amongst the home education community. To be ‘in the loop’ about what’s on, it is worth joining the network. Members receive weekly emails with coming events.
Depending on the compulsory school age in your state, once you reach 17 or 18, home education registration is no longer a legal requirement and, in fact, you may not be able to register for home education in the year you turn 18. If registration is no longer a legal requirement you may wish to remain registered if: Registration in your state meets the
It is quite possible to home educate right through to university entrance without VCE but keep in mind that, in Victoria, home education at this level does not result in a recognised qualification and students are therefore ineligible for Youth Allowance. Students who choose to home educate through to year 12 level then have the option to enter a further education institution, start businesses
The AYCE programme is the standard Victorian school curriculum (years 7-12) open to all but only requires attendance once a week with the work completed at home. It is a popular transition programme for home educators and also for students looking for a halfway point between regular school and home education. The main campus is at Yea High School but there are others. Many
Note: HEN members have access to free advice on pathways to courses and careers. Join now VCE is not necessary for university entrance (see university entry) but if you do want to do VCE, you can enter a regular school in order to complete it, or these options are worth considering: VCE via Virtual School Victoria (formerly known as Distance Education Centre Victoria/DECV). Home
Learning continues throughout your entire life. Some students are choosing to just keep on educating themselves rather than enrol in formal universities. There are so many resources online now that it is quite possible to do this at an advanced level. Given the rising costs of a university education, for some the real-world experience of work and travel combined with continuing to educate themselves
Home educators are often hit with the funding issue when they approach a TAFE or adult education provider to enrol in a course – as home ed students they are told they are ineligible for a funded place. However, home educated students can access funded TAFE places for certificates or diplomas if they de-register from the VRQA first – ie you are either a