Teens continuing home education

For families who have home educated through the primary school years, in many ways home educating a teenager is no different – you just keep on providing a stimulating educational environment and seeking out information and opportunities on topics that match their interests. The main difference is that as kids get older you use higher level resources. Teens also become more independent at finding their own information and materials. See the resources section.

Home ed teens often combine part time paid or voluntary work with their home education in order to sample different career options and gain experience. They may also pick up courses either in person or online. Many teens delve into Open University, MOOCs and community classes from an early age. Check out our Older Students and Transition sections for information on these and other options; keep your eyes open locally and search the internet for courses to match their interests.
Being connected with other home educators at this stage helps families to be aware of current opportunities as well as the various transition pathways to further education.
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